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sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2010

What my feelings sound like...

Às vezes acontecem-nos azares que parecem só vir ter connosco... Nunca nenhum de vós disse ou pensou: "Porque é que isto só me acontece a mim?" ou "Tenho de ter sempre azar...". Passou-se comigo desta vez. Apesar de ter tido azar, tive também muita sorte, pois podia ter sido muito pior e as circunstâncias não o deixaram... às vezes temos azar, mas ainda mais sorte sem o sabermos... Esta música relata esses momentos... "April Rain" dos Delain.

"Take off the glasses that have treated your world black and grey
It doesnt get easy, dont you know
Fortune smiles on you
Youre not watching, dig that hole deeper"

"April Rain"

4 comentários:

  1. When the House-like jerk rests, my female side loves this:

    ps. How do you post a youtube video on your profile? Heeeelppppp :)

  2. Estatic Fear is awesome. :) I don't know if you can put videos on your profile... But if you want to post videos on your blog, you have to choose an option for editing HTML and you have to paste the text named as "embed" on the youtube pages. For example, if you want to post that video on your blog, the code is on the left side of the video ("Embed") below its url link. I've tried to make myself clear... I'm not really sure if I was successful :S sorry! I hope so.

  3. Even though I can speak more Portuguese than HTML language, I made it, you were very clear indeed. Kiitos! :)

  4. You're welcome. I'm glad I could help (even with my poor and confuse English :P). :)
