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sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

Live Sounds... Santa Maria Summer Fest

I have so many things to do... I should be off for any plan that does not include work during the present year... However, there are so many amazing festivals in Portugal that I would love to go... Maybe I should attend Santa Maria Summer Fest... I bet that no one in my laboratory will miss me during two sunny days of June. :P It will be amazing to see Process of Guilt and Gwydion live again!! \m/  And maybe I will make peace with Holocausto Canibal (or maybe not... who cares... usually every crowd loves them live, except me).

sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2013

Sound Clip... Dordeduh

Extremely addicting folk metal sound from Dordeduh... Consider yourself warned!


quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Live Sounds...

I've seen Forgotten Tomb and Inverno Eterno live and I am looking forward to see them again (and also Isole and Ereb Altor are amazing bands that I would love to see for the first time...).

sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013

Sound discovery... Ne Obliviscaris

I met this band long ago with their demo "The Aurora Veil" (released in 2007), so it cannot be considered a discovery. However, it was definitely a rediscovery!! After hearing their 2012 album "Portal of I" today, I realized why I used to like progressive metal so much. :) Lately, this kind of music has not been catching my attention as it used to in the past. I'm glad I have stumbled upon this fantastic album (I wish it had happened sooner, but... better later than never). I definitely recommend it. Besides good quality progressive death metal with good growls and clean voices, this band also uses a violin that perfectly fits their sound.

quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

What my feelings sound like...

Às vezes é melhor deixar que o "decorrer das coisas" nos leve ao que tiver de ser... Valerá a pena lutar contra o que não depende de nós? Houve tempos em que acreditei que sim... Neste momento, acho que podemos fazer planos, traçar metas, lutar para que as coisas aconteçam, mas no último momento concluímos que afinal tivemos sorte se o "decorrer das coisas" nos levar ao que queremos atingir. Portas que pareciam sempre abertas a fechar com cadeado e janelas a abrir para escapar como tiver de ser...

"Flutuo, consigo deslindar o meu gosto sem esforço
Balanço é o que a maré me dá e não contesto
O meu destino está fora de mim e eu aceito
Sou eu despida de medos e culpas, confesso


Só para não te ouvir dizer que as coisas vão mudar amanhã"

Susana Félix